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Question answers of Exercise and Intext are described properly with suitable example and images for Class 10 Science Chapter 9. If you have any doubt in any subject, just join the Discussion Forum and ask your questions. Genetic material in most organisms is present in pair of chromosomes.

Gametes in sexually reproducing organisms are formed by the process of meiosis a type of cell division occurring mainly sokutions reproductive cells for the formation of gametes during which half of the genetic material goes into each gamete.

When the gametes from male and female parents fuse with each other during sexual reproduction, the normal complement is restored. Half of the genetic material comes from female and half from the male. Thus, process of meiosis is necessary to ensure equal genetic contribution of male and female parents through gametes.

Homologous organs 1. Organs with splutions basic plan of origin but different in function. Fundamental plan of structure is similar e. Analogous organs 1. Organs with similar function sciehce different in origin. Fundamental plan of structure is different e.

Fossil: A fossil is the record of an organism that lived in the geologic past. Fossils help us to build up broad historical sequence soltuions biological evolution. For example, the study of fossils of Equidae horse family provides reliable records of evolution. The dawn horse-five-toed Echippus, gave rise to Mesohippus which in turn developed into several lines of evolution.

The modern Equus one-toed horse evolved from Pliohippus. Evolution can be defined as the changes in the genetic composition of a population with the passage of each generation. Evolution can be defined as the gradual unfolding of the organism from pre-existing organism through change since the beginning of life. The origin of life is very much associated with evolution. Evolution or organic evolution is the study of how complex organisms of today ncert solutions for class 10th science chapter 9 video formed from the simpler forms of the past.

Question: Define the following: a Analogous Organs b Evolution c Genetic Drift Answer: a Analogous: Organs which look similar because they have common use but differ in their structure and components are called analogous organs b Evolution: The gradual unfolding of events by which new organisms evolved from pre-existing organisms through changes since the beginning of life, is said to be evolution.

The effect of genetic drift is very small in a large if population is small. Question 1: Difference between Inherited and Acquired clas. Answer 1: Inherited Traits 1. The traits which are inherited by the parents father and mother by the off springs progeny are called inherited traits. These traits cannot be acquired in the life time but are inherited from parent to the progeny. These traits are due to genetic make-up of the progeny.

Acquired Characters 1. The traits which an individual does not inherit from its parent. These traits are acquired by the individuals due ncert solutions for class 10th science chapter 9 video life time experiences.

They are not transmitted 3. These traits are not inherited over generations. Because these traits or experiences are not incorporated in the germ cells genome or DNA make up of the individual. Question 2: Experiences of an individual during its lifetime cannot be passed on to its progeny and cannot direct evolution.

Justify this statement giving an example. Answer 2: Experiences of an individual during its life time are in the somatic cells of 1t0h body.

That is, in non-reproductive tissues that cannot be passed to the next generation. Thus, they cannot contribute ncert solutions for class 10th science chapter 9 video in evolution. For inheritance of traits over generations and involvement in direct evolution, they must be passed to the DNA of the germ cells reproductive tissues.

The characteristics of DNA are passed to the progeny and also can play direct role in evolution. Important Questions and Extra Questions with answers related to Chapter 9 are also available on Tiwari Academy website. How is the equal genetic contribution of male and female parents ensured in the progeny? Differentiate between Homologous Organs and Analogous Organs.

What are fossils? State their importance in the study of evolution with the help of a suitable example. What is organic evolution? How are fossils formed? State two methods of determining the age of fossils. Classification involves grouping of organism into a formal system based on similarities in internal and external structure or evolutionary history. Two species are more closely related if they have more characteristics in common. And if two species are more closely related, then it means they have a more recent ancestor.

For example, in a family, a brother and sister are closely related and they 1t0h a recent common ancestor i. A brother and his cousin are also related but less than the sister and her brother. This is because the brother and his cousin have a common ancestor i.

With subsequent generations, the variations make organisms more different than their ancestors. This discussion clearly proves that we classify organisms according to ncert solutions for class 10th science chapter 9 video resemblance which is similar to creating an evolutionary tree. Explain how sexual reproduction gives rise to more viable variations than asexual reproduction. How does this affect the evolution of those organisms that reproduce sexually?

In sexual reproduction, two individuals having different variations combine their DNA to give rise to a new individual. Therefore, sexual reproduction allows more variations, whereas in asexual reproduction, chance variations can only occur when the copying ncert solutions for class 10th science chapter 9 video DNA is not accurate. Additionally, asexual reproduction allows very less variations because if there are more variations, then the resultant DNA will not be able to survive inside the inherited cellular apparatus.

However, in sexual reproduction, more variations are allowed and the resultant DNA is also able to survive, thus making the variations viable. Variation and Evolution: Variants help the species to survive in all the conditions. Environmental conditions such as heat, light, pests, and food availability can change suddenly at only one place.

At that claxs, only those variants resistant to these conditions would be able to xolutions. This will slowly lead to the evolution of a better adapted species.

Thus, variation helps in the evolution solutione sexually reproducing organisms. In human beings, every somatic cell of the body contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. Out of ncert solutions for class 10th science chapter 9 video 23 pairs, the first 22 pairs are known as autosomes and the remaining one pair is known as sex chromosomes represented as X and Y.

Females have two X chromosomes and males have one X and ncert solutions for class 10th science chapter 9 video Y chromosome. The gamete receives half of the chromosomes. Therefore, the male gametes ncert solutions for class 10th science chapter 9 video 22 autosomes and either X or Y chromosome. The female gamete, on the other hand, has 22 autosomes and X chromosome.

During reproduction, the male and female gametes fuse and thus the progeny receives 22 autosomes and one X or Y chromosome from male parent and 22 autosomes and one X chromosome from the ncert solutions for class 10th science chapter 9 video parent. Only variations that confer an advantage to an individual organism will survive in a population. Do you agree 10ht this statement? Why or why not? In species, variations that offer survival advantages ncert solutions for class 10th science chapter 9 video naturally selected.

Individuals adjust to their environments with the help of these selected variations and consequently these variations are passed on to their progeny.

Evolution of organisms occurs as a result of this natural selection. However, there can be some other variations, which do not offer any survival advantage and arise only accidentally. Such variations in small populations can change the frequency of some genes even if they are not important for survival. This accidental change in the frequency of genes in small populations is referred to as genetic drift.

Thus, genetic drift provides diversity variations without any survival advantage. How does the creation of variations in a species promote survival? Sometimes for a species, the environmental conditions change so flr that their survival becomes difficult. For example, if the temperature of water increases suddenly, most of the bacteria living in that water would die. Only few variants resistant to heat would be able to survive.

If these variants were not there, then the entire species of bacteria would have been destroyed. Thus, these variants help in the survival of the species. However, not all variations are useful. Therefore, these are not necessarily beneficial for the individual organisms.

A man with blood group A marries a woman with blood group O and their daughter has sciende group O. This is because we do not know about the blood group of all the progeny. Hence, the information is incomplete to draw any such conclusion. What are the different ways in which individuals with a particular trait may ncrrt in a population?

Individuals with a particular trait may increase in a population as a result of the following: i Natural selection: When that trait offers some survival advantage.

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Ncert Solutions For Class 10th Science Chapter 9 Video